Arriva Loyalty Benefits
Here you can find all the latest news and offers from the Arriva Loyalty Program. If you’re not a member yet, join now and enjoy exclusive benefits!
What are the current benefits for Arriva Loyalty members?
- For every ticket purchased, you earn points worth 10% of the ticket price.
- Collected points can be used as a discount in euros on your next bus ticket purchase, based on 1 point = 1 EUR.
- Promo codes for partner discounts:
- 25% discount on selected products in Lidl stores
- 10% discount on an annual subscription to the Nextbike service
- 15% discount on selected brands at Tekstilpromet
- 30% discount on tickets for the Selfie & Memory Museum – new partner!
- 10% discount on bowling in Kooglana Rijeka, Zagreb or Pula - new partner!
Receive an extra €6.70 as a birthday gift.
Invite a friend and get an additional €4.70.
Check your points balance and partner discount promo codes in your Arriva Loyalty account. Enjoy exclusive membership benefits today!
Not an Arriva Loyalty member yet?
Join now and start collecting points today! -> Sign up for the Arriva Loyalty Program.